I hope this was machine translated:

"In Department of a criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, located in Moscow in street Zhitnoj, the safe with operatively-investigatory documents was gone. On the given fact check, and, predictably, is spent guilty will incur corresponding punishment.
Two safes with confidential operatively-investigatory documents of department of a criminal investigation department have thrown out by mistake during carrying out of repair. The safes temporarily exposed in a corridor, stirred to the workers doing repair of a building. They have lowered them in a court yard, and therefrom, having accepted for written off, military men of internal armies who bore unnecessary property from a building, have carried them on item of gathering of scrap metal directly together with classified documents stored them. When documents it were necessary, found out, that boxes are not present. "
Many (most?) modern cars have an idiotic status LED flashing just inside their windshield to indicate that they are powered down and parked exactly where they were left.
This is a wasted opportunity. If the LED's were configured as a tiny projector, corporate logos could be projected onto car hoods, walls, and nearby bystanders.
Tag the parking lot!

...It could lead to an arms race between companies, however, with ever increasing slogans, animations, and projectors.
I'm not a believer in Dark Matter.

Shhh. Thats a secret. The evidence still isn't convincing for its existence.
Works well to complicate theories, however.

The simplest test I can think of would be this:

Dark matter interferes with the baryonic matter via gravitic coupling.
This should affect local 'speed of sound' measurements, including angle of shockwaves from transsonic objects.
So measure the shockwaves from a test mass moving through local space at a considerable velocity. It would be trivial to calculate shockwave angle from the known velocity and from the observed particle density.
There should be a considerable discrepancy.
This would be an experiment in local space. After all, if there is Dark Matter anywhere, it should be here as well.
If it isn't here, then where did it go?

Also, gravity measurements of 'known mass' volumes of space would show excess mass of around +75%.
Problem is, I haven't heard of a way to measure the gravitational field of say a few cubic kilometers of interplanetary real estate.

...RenegadeMime would like to point out that this post officially enters me into the ranks of Internet Nuts, and would like me to feel free to experiment with different fonts and colours.
Alice was beginning to write out a history of all flesh...

The Revelations Of Alice