09/10 /07/12:05 EST
...And the station is off the air,ladies and gentlemen!
Noticed this interactive LED design. Seems like it would be even more interesting if it was combined with a cellular automata display. Using the input hand gestures as seeds for the cells would get ripples of patterns echoing out from your hands.
Direct interaction with the automata would be fun.
It should be possible to fit a air nozzle behind each hammer on a piano, and a valve on each key.
Pneumatic amplification - the hammer would strike with increased power; but with careful rigging of the nozzle, it should be possible to arrange it so that the hammer beats repeatedly against the strings, permitting a vibrato sustain. The valve would control the airflow, which would modify both volume and beat- rate.
If the valve box was fed from a master manifold, with a controling flow reducer, then each keys beat-rate would slow depending on how many other keys were depressed. This would give fast vibrato single notes and slow throbbing chords.